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Navigating Futures in Career Guidance Provision in PES – Global Insights from the WAPES/ICCDPP Career Guidance Survey
The World Association of Public Employment Services has partnered with the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) a
NICEC Seminar : The Value of using Career Tools in Career Coaching
Tools are designed to improve the quality of career conversations.
Forskerseminar om PIAAC
PIAAC2 er den største undersøkelsen om voksnes ferdigheter som er gjennomført. De første resultatene presenteres 10.
Oslo kongressenter Fysisk/digitalt
Autonomy to Change. Evolving and Adapting Career Development in Revolutionary Times
2025 Conference Keynote Speakers
JP Michel, SparkPath
Atlanta, Georgia
Career Guidance for Sustaninable Futures - Communities, Boundaries and Transitions
Information about the 2025 NICE Academy will be provided soon
Valetta, Malta